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Summer Deep Cleansing Juice Detox Retreat

5 Night Summer Deep Cleansing Juice Detox Retreat in Tulbagh, South Africa: 28 October – 2 November 2022

This summer juice detox retreat in the Tulbagh basin near Cape Town will transform your life. To retreat is to take time away from the world.  Away from our duties and responsibilities. Purify your mind and body and emotional self. You will recharge your mental and physical health. The retreat home is a beautiful farmhouse surrounded by healing mountains that will support your process.

Tulbagh Detox Retreat

Detox Retreat

There is no better time than now to attend a juice detox retreat. Periodically one needs to cleanse in order to protect health, promote vitality and prolong life. There is no substitute for fasting as it is nature’s method to cure disease at the root source which always involves toxicity. Fasting, yogic, breathing, bodywork, massage and exercise all assist the process of deep tissue detoxification and is more important than ever.  Every drug, preservative and artificial additive you have ever ingested has triggered a major secretion of mucus which is now impacted on the walls of your colon and cannot be removed simply by eating pure foods. One has to rehydrate and loosen the solid waste from the colon and bowel lining.

Your own body will then naturally do the rest of the detox work through your blood, lymph, hormones and enzymes. But we do need to allow sufficient time for the natural system to take over. Three to seven days is usually enough to kick-start you on your own journey of healing.


Find alignment with your own inner being while you retreat from the world onto our juice detox retreat. You will retreat into yourself and access something deep within you. You will nourish yourself in a new way.  When you go on a juice detox retreat, your senses are sharpened, and you become more in tune with your inner self. Your inner voice and your intuition are activated.

Daily Hikes, Yoga and Movement therapy

On this retreat, you will slow down and come to rest. During this whole being wellness retreat, we will take all that is not essential out of your experience and nourish your mind and body at a deep level using mindful yoga, movement therapy, walking in nature and meditation. This will support the juice detox process.  The farm is the perfect environment for total relaxation and rests where you can look forward to coming away inspired towards a healthy lifestyle.

This is a deep-level detox using holistic therapies and in order for you to access your emotional and mental levels, it is really important for you to first detox your body. You will lose weight if you need to and you will become strong. The daily activities, yoga, movement therapy and walking in nature help with your journey.  If you have not practised yoga before and are concerned about your abilities, we will teach you. Our yoga classes are suitable for all levels of experience and you need to do is give yourself over to the process.

Fasting as a tool for self-development

Fasting tool to access the deeper self, cleanse the body and purify the mind. This opens us up to a deeper connection within and without. The result is that we start looking at our lives and where we are as well as where we are going with a fresh and clear vision. With this clarity, it becomes easier to guide and direct our lives into the lives of our own choosing.

Mental Clarity

The effects of this juice detox retreat are so far-reaching. Not only will you become healthy, strong and fit but you will find clarity of mind that you had not thought was possible. One can’t really know what absolute clarity and inner balance are until you have cleaned your body from toxins. Once your body is clean and clear then your mind will follow and you experience a new you.

The daily itinerary is as follows:

  • Wake up
  • Detox Drink
  • 8:00am Immune boosting tea
  • 8:15am Nature walk
  • 10:00am Juice
  • 11:30am Yoga
  • 1:00pm Almond milk drink
  • 4:00pm Movement therapy
  • 5:00pm Juice
  • 7:00pm Evening broth
  • 8:00pm Yoga nidra (meditation)
  • Detox drink
  • Bed

The retreat includes:

  • Accommodation in beautiful en-suite bedrooms with balconies
  • Nutrient-dense freshly squeezed juices
  • Colon cleanse with psyllium husks
  • Daily mediation
  • Daily movement therapy
  • Daily yoga
  • Vitamin-rich veggie broths
  • Freshly pressed almond milk
  • Juice recipes
  • Pool
  • Superfood boosters (delicious and nutritious)
  • Two full body holistic massages or therapies
  • Nature walks on the farm
  • Visit to a waterfall

Like to know more?

This and many more African travel adventures are available.  Chat to me for more details and for information on how to book.

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